Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013


(Pasal 7)

Dalam pelaksanaan tugas kedinasan dan kehidupan sehari-hari setiap Pegawai Negeri Sipil wajib bersikap dan berpedoman pada etika dalam bernegara, dalam penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan, dalam berorganisasi, dalam bermasyarakat, serta terhadap diri sendiri dan sesama Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah ini.

Sesuai dengan pasal 7 yang telah tercantum di atas maka, diperlukannya kode etik dalam pegawai negri sipil agar sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Kode Etik PNS adalah pedoman sikap, tingkah laku, dan perbuatan PNS dalam melaksanakan tugasnya dan pergaulan hidup seharihari. Butir  Kode Etik Pegawai Negeri Sipil tersebut sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 42 Tahun 2004 sebagai berikut ;

A.     Etika Bernegara (Pasal 8)
1.   Melaksanakan sepenuhnya Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945
2.   Mengangkat harkat dan martabat bangsa dan Negara
3.   Menjadi perekat dan pemersatu bangsa dalam Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia
4.  Menaati semua peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dalam melaksanakan tugas
5. Akuntabel dalam melaksanakan tugas penyelenggaraan pemerintahan yang bersih dan beribawa
6. Tanggap, terbuka, jujur dan akurat, serta tepat waktu dalam melaksanakan setiap kebijakan dan program pemerintah
7. Menggunakan dan memanfaatkan semua sumber daya Negara secara efektif dan efessien.
8.  Tidak memberikan kesaksian palsu atau keterangan yanag tidak benar

B.     Etika Berorganisasi (Pasal 9)
1.    Melaksanakan tugas dan wewenang sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku
2.    Menjaga informasi yang bersifat rahasia
3.    Melaksanakan setiap kebijakan yang ditetapkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang
4.   Membangun etos kerja untuk meningkatkan kinerja organisasi
5.  Menjaamin kerjaa sama secara kooperatif dengan unit kerja lain yang terkait dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan
6.   Memiliki kompetensi dalam melaksanakan tugas
7.   Patuh dan taat terhadap standar operasionaldan tata kerja
8.   Mengembangkan pemikiran secara kratif dan inovatif dalam raangka peningkatan kinerja organisasi
9.    Berorientasi pada upaya peningkatan kualitas kerja

C.      Etika Bermasyarakat (Pasal 10)
1.    Mewujudkan pola hidup sederhana
2.  Memberikan pelayanan dengan empati, hormat dan santun, tanpa pamrih dan tanpa unsure pemaksaan
3.   Memberikan pelayanan secara cepat, tepat, terbuka, adil serta tidak diskriminatif
4.   Tanggap terhadap keadaan lingkungan masyarakat
5.   Berorientasi paada peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan tugas

D.     Etika Terhadap Diri Sendiri (Pasal 11)
1.   Jujur dan terbuka serta tidak memberikan informasi yang tidak benar
2.   Bertindak dengan penuh kesungguhan dan ketulusan
3.   Menghindari konflik kepentingan pribadi, kelompok, maupun golongan
4.  Berinsiatif untuk meningkatkan kualitas pengetahuan, kemampuan , keterampilan dan sikap
5.   Memiliki daya juang yang tinggi
6.   Memelihara kesehatan jasmani dan rohani
7.   Menjaga keutuhan dan keharmonisan keluarga
8.   Berpenampilan sederhana, rapih dan sopan

E.      Etika Terhadap Sesama PNS (Pasal 12)
1.  Saling menghormati  sesama  warga Negara yang memeluk agama/kepercayaan yang berlainan
2.   Memelihara rasa persatuan dan kesatauan sesama pegawai Negeri Sipil
3.  Saling menghormati antar teman sejawat baik secara vertical maupun horizontal dalam suatu unit kerja, instansi, maupun antar instansi
4.   Menghargai perbedaaan pendapat
5.   Menjunjung tinggi harkat dan martabat Pegawai Negeri Sipil
6.   Menjaga dan menjalin kerja sama yang kooperatif sesame Pegawai Negeri Sipil 
7. Terhimpun dalam satu wadah Korps Pegawai Republik Indonesia yang menjamin terwujudnya solidaritas dan solidaritas sesame Pegawai Negeri Sipil dalam meperjuangkan hak-haknya

sumber :

Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Etika Prosefi Akuntansi


Minggu, 6 Oktober 2013
Hari ini aku menghadiri acara IKMM (Ikatan Keluarga Mahasiswa Magelang) yang diselenggarakan di taman kebun bintang Ragunan disana banyak sekali para pengunjung ragunan yg tidak menaati etika kebersihan di kawasan ragunan, padahal sudah terlihat jelas slogan “DILARANG MEMBUANG SAMPAH SEMBARANGAN” tapi masih bnyak sampah – sampah yang berserakan di sekitar kawasan tersebut yang membuat pemandangan di sekitar ragunan kurang terlihat rapi dan bersih.

Senin, 7 Oktober 2013
Sore ini aku pulang kuliah seperti biasa melewati jalan Pekayon, aku mengantar temanku ke Giant Pekayon. Terlihat disana beberapa kedaraan beroda 4 banyak yang parkir di kawasan Giant, memang disana terlihat sepanduk besar bertulisan “PARKIR GRATIS” mungkin itu hanya diperuntukan untuk pengunjung yang ingin berbelanja ke pasar swalayan Giant, tapi apa yang aku lihat ada beberpa pengendara yang memanfaat slogan parkir gratis itu untuk memarkirkan mobil kendaraannya untuk mendatangi acara pernikahan dirumah sebelah samping Giant.

Selasa, 8 Oktober 2013
Hari ini aku berangkat kuliah naik motor melawati jalan biasanya, ditengah jalan ada pengendara sepeda motor yang melaju pelan tanpa kepastian. Setelah aku berhasil meyalip pengendara motor tersebut, ak perhatikan dari kaca sepion motorku ternyata tangan kiri pengendara motor itu sedang sibuk dengan hanpone miliknya. Itu sangat membahayakan dirinya dan membahayan keselamatan orang lain.

Rabu, 9 Oktober 2013
 Hari ini aku pergi ke Senen, diperjalanan menuju tempat tujuan suasana cukup ramai dan dalam kondisi macet,disana aku melihat banyak sekali kendaraan seperti bis, mobil dan kendaraan sepeda motor melewati jalur Busway. Sampai ada beberapa kendaraan sepeda motor yang memaksakan unutk melewati tanggulan busway agar bisa melewati jalur busway dan terhindar dari kemacetan, entah dimana etika dalam kendaraan mereka itu sangat membahayakan keselamatan dirinya dan keselamatan orang lain.

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013
Kamis kemarin aku bersama temanku Fety Sulistiyandari pergi ke Mall Metropolitan Bekasi, kami berencana berbelanja ke Mega Bekasi, oleh karena itu kami harus melewati jembatan penyebrang jalan agar sampai ke Mega Bekasi, tapi apa yg kami lihat di sana bnyak sekali orang2 yang berusaha menyebrang tidak menggunakan jembatan penyebrangan itu sangat membahayakan dirinya sendiridan keselamatan orang lain yang sedang melintas di jalan itu.

Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

History Of The name “Jakarta”

Nama : Dyah Lupithasari

Npm : 22210227

Kelas : 3EB17

Know about the origin of the name of Jakarta. Starting from a small port at the mouth of the Ciliwung River about 500 years ago. For centuries, the city has grown into a bustling center of international trade. History of Jakarta known through inscriptions such as Tarumanegara royal property, and the kingdom of Srivijaya Sunda. Data from wikipedia mentions that initially the Sunda Kelapa (known as Kalapa) is one of the ports belong to the kingdom of the thousands of Hindu named Sunda cities Pakuan Pajajaran (now Bogor). In addition to Sunda Kelapa port, Sunda kingdom also has several other ports such as the port ofBantam, Pontang, Cigede, Tamgara and Cimanuk. However, Sunda Kelapa port is considered as the most important because it has a relatively short travel time from the capital of the kingdom and is a busy port of pepper.

The Portuguese are a great group of Europeans first came to Bandar Kalapa. then the city was attacked by Fatahillah, from a kingdom which is not far from the Kalapa. Then Fatahillah change the name to Jayakarta Sunda Kalapa on June 22, 1527. Date is defined as the day of birth of Jakarta. Late 16th-century Dutch people then came and then the master Jayakarta. Dated May 30, 1619 brought the leadership of JP Coen Dutch managed to seize and occupy Jayakarta once changed his name to Batavia – taken from the name of the Celtic tribes who once lived in the Netherlands at the time of the Romans. Governmental activities centered in a field which is located approximately 500 meters from the port. Then the Dutch built town hall, which is the position of the center of the city government of Batavia. Increasingly rapid growth impact on the environment easily damaged, so the Dutch authorities to move the center of government higher lying areas. The area was then called Weltevreden.

During the Japanese occupation (1942-1945), the name changed again to Jakarta Batavia. In 1966, Jakarta Capital gain official name of the Republic of Indonesia. Jakarta also earned the nickname “City of 1001 Names” because of the name change, in addition to the Jakarta area is divided into 6 (5 municipality and the district administrative thousand islands).

The daendels Road

Nama : Dyah Lupithasari

Npm : 22210227

Kelas : 3EB17

The Great Post Road is a historical street names across the islands of Java. 1,430 km in length, that connects Merak and Banyuwangi on the northern beach of Java, particularly between Jakarta and Surabaya. The most part of Java north coast road was built during the reign of governor-general of the Dutch East Indies Herman Willem Daendels (1808–1811) and was originally known as the Great Post Road

The Great Post Road was a military road which was built under the order of King Lodewijk Napoleon who ruled the Kingdom of Holland at that time. the road was intended to ease military support, e.g. transfer of soldiers, in order to defend Java from possible British invasion. It connects Anyer in western end and Panarukan in eastern end of Java. After Daendels rule, the eastern road was later extended to Banyuwangi. The Java Great Post Road consist the most parts of present Java North Coast Road. However the original post road is runs through Preanger (Priangan,West Java) highland, from Meester Cornelis (Jatinegara) went south to Buitenzorg (Bogor), and went east to Cianjur, Bandung, Sumedang, and Cirebon. The current north coast road runs through coastal northern West Java which built later after the construction of Daendels' post road. It connects Bekasi, Karawang, Pamanukan, and Cirebon.

Most of today national road network in Java was built during Dutch East Indies era. However during Suharto era around 1980s, the toll road network system was introduced within the whole Java transportation network. The Java toll network highway is continuously expanded, and today some of these toll roads formed Java north coast road.

The History of Catfish's Statue into The Clock in Bekasi

Nama : Dyah Lupithasari

Npm : 22210227

Kelas : 3EB17

         Previously, Bekasi has a statue of a famous icon by the time the statue is located at the intersection of Catfish months. Catfish fish-shaped pieces of sculpture with harp, but better known as the Statue of catfish. This icon is known as strategic. Catfish statue was built in 1955, survived for 7 years and abdicated in 2002. Sculpture built by Regent strength Moch.

Regents think catfish and fruit for two harps, according to the plants thrive in the city of Bekasi, so it deserves to be an icon. While people think catfish and fruit become less precise harp icon, Catfish is a greedy fish and ate everything and it's cheap, it's cheap looking piece of harp too. So it is not appropriate sculpture for the city.

     Several times to protest catapult up to the regent of Bekasi Mayor penetrated. Tambun district had other ideas. Bekasi with communities who can not wait for catfish statue was not destroyed, then on Thursday, April 24, 2002, with some communities Damin Sada comes to catfish statue and burned. Now there are no catfish statue near the station in Bekasi, but there is a big clock.

Rabu, 24 April 2013


 Part 1
Nama  : Dyah Lupithasari
NMP    : 22210227
Kelas   : 3eb17
Make 5 long sentences which contain of Noun, Verb, Adjective, and Adverb

1.       As a Professional dancer Erna can move her body upon the dancer floor beautiful.
·         Noun                     : Erna
·         Verb                      : can move her body
·         Adverb                 : upon the dancer floor
·         Adjective             : beautiful

2.       Indonesia in one of countries which placed under equator line and have beautiful forest inside.
·         Noun                     : Indonesia
·         Verb                      : placed
·         Adverb                 : under
·         Adjective             : beautifu

3.       My father is going to give me a special gift if i can reach the first place.
·         Noun                     : gift
·         Verb                      : going
·         Adverb                 : first place
·         Adjective             : special

4.       When i was child, my father take me to a beautiful lake in Bali.
·         Noun                     :  my father
·         Verb                      : When i was child
·         Adverb                 : take
·         Adjective             : beautiful lake

5.       Olivia looks beautiful in a valli’s dress.
·         Noun                     :  olivia
·         Verb                      : looks
·         Adverb                  : beautiful
·         Adjective              : valli’s dress

Senin, 22 April 2013


 Part 3
Nama  : Dyah Lupithasari
NMP    : 22210227
Kelas   : 3eb17
Make Sentences for each Adjective from assignment 2 part 2!

  • Beautiful (Adjective)  : She is beautiful girl.
Beauty (Noun)          : Bali is famous for  its beauty.
Beautifully (Adverb)   : SNSD showed their dance beautifully.
Beautify (Verb)         : My mother is still trying to beautify the cake by adding some topping.
  • Good (Adjective) : She writes good poems.
Goodness (Noun)      : Goodness! What have you done to your hair?.
Well (Adverb)            : It is growing well even though I never take care of it.
Better (Verb)            : It’s better to be late than do nothing.
  • Fast (Adjective)  :  The plant grows fast.
Fastness (Noun)        : Jaguar is an animal that famous because of its fastness.
Fastly (Adverb)          : Santi  ran away from  them fastly.
Fasten (Verb)            : Rico never concerned  her fasten but she always concerned  the accuracy.
  •  Sharp (Adjective)      : He needs a sharp knife to peel the apple.
Sharpness (Noun)      : The sharpness of samurai sword can cut a bamboo tree in one slash.
Sharply (Adverb)        : The price of nine kinds of basic needs rose sharply last year
Sharpen (Verb)          : Sharpen your saw before planning your job.
  • Quick (Adjective)        : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Quickness (Noun)      : His quickness up to 300  km/h, i can’t believe it.
Quickly (Adverb)        : The train runs quickly.
Quicken (Verb)          : Quicken your pace.